Securing Your Future

with Insurance Solutions 

Lemieux Insurance Management is your trusted partner for all your insurance needs. We understand that protecting what matters most to you is a top priority, and that's why we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Insurance is more than just a policy; it's about safeguarding your assets, loved ones, and peace of mind. We deliver comprehensive insurance solutions tailored to your unique circumstances.

You can expect personalized service that begins with a thorough assessment of your insurance needs. We take the time to understand your situation, whether protecting your life or planning for life's unexpected events.

I understand the effort you've put in to get where you are.

That's why I am here to assist you in safeguarding you with a suitable insurance program for your business or lifestyle.

Collen Lemieux

I can assist you in safeguarding whatever matters to you with the appropriate insurance tailored to your unique needs.

Permanent life insurance

Making a lot of money doesn't happen by chance. Permanent life insurance gives you safety for the rest of your life and increases the value of your estate. Permanent life insurance is a type of life insurance that offers coverage for your entire lifetime as long as you continue paying the premiums. Unlike term life insurance, which provides coverage for a specific period, permanent life insurance provides a permanent safety net for you and your loved ones.

One of the key advantages of permanent life insurance is its ability to offer lifelong protection.

Life Insurance

It is often considered "renter's insurance" because it can help replace future income or pay for specific financial responsibilities if the insured person dies.

Term life insurance is designed to provide coverage for a predetermined period, typically 5 to 30 years. During this term, if the insured person passes away, a death benefit is paid out to the beneficiaries named in the policy. This death benefit can help replace the insured person's future income or fulfill specific financial responsibilities.

If you get sick out of the blue, critical illness insurance helps protect your savings and way of life so you can focus on getting better. Life can be unpredictable, and a severe sudden illness can significantly impact your life and finances.

Critical Illness Insurance

Life can be unpredictable, and a severe sudden illness can significantly impact your life and finances. Critical illness insurance is designed to alleviate the financial burden of such unexpected health challenges. Suppose you are diagnosed with a covered critical illness. In that case, the policy pays out a lump-sum amount, which you can use at your discretion to cover medical expenses, ongoing care, or any other financial needs that may arise.

When you face a critical illness, the focus should be on your recovery and well-being.

Disability insurance is a crucial form of coverage that protects your ability to earn an income in the event that you become disabled and are unable to work.

Disability Insurance

It's more common than you think to get a disability. Protect your most important thing, which is your power to make money. Disability insurance is a crucial form of coverage that protects your ability to earn an income if you become disabled and are unable to work. While most people understand the importance of protecting physical assets such as homes and vehicles, many overlook the significance of protecting their greatest asset—the ability to earn an income.

Business Insurance

We have a lot of ways to help you control risk and keep your business safe from the unexpected. Business Overhead Insurance, Key Person Insurance and Health & Dental.

If you own a business and cannot earn money due to an injury or illness, business overhead expenditure insurance will help you pay the bills.

Insurance coverage on the life or health of a business owner or important employee is known as key person insurance (also key man insurance or key employee insurance).


The Personal Pension Plan™ (PPP®) is a wealth accumulation and tax savings solution specifically designed for business owners, associations, franchise owners or incorporated professionals like accountants, consultants, dentists, doctors, financial advisors, lawyers and many more to accumulate significantly more in retirement savings and pay less tax than most Canadians.

Guaranteed Investment Funds (GIFs)

Protect the value of your investments while still allowing you to benefit from the market's growth potential.

How GIFs work

GIFs are a form of insurance for your investments. With a GIF, all or part of your initial investment is protected until maturity (after 15 years) or upon the death of the person whose life is being insured (the annuitant). The level of protection depends on which guarantee you select since you can choose the combination of protection and underlying investment that best suits your goals.

- Segregated fund contracts
- Market participation with guarantees that protect principal
- Potential creditor protection
- Estate planning benefits

You've worked hard, saved money carefully, and put your money to good use. You have more than enough money to last you the rest of your life, and now you want to start saving for the next generation.

You've already put as much money as possible into your RRSP and TFSA, and now you're looking for an excellent place to put your savings.

How can you ensure your investments are safe and grow without paying too much taxes?


Life Insurance
Travel Insurance
Health Dental and Medical Insurance
Protecting your wealth insurance

Life Insurance

Long Term Care


Critical Care Illness

Dental &Health

Critical Illness Insurance

Estate Planning

Recalculate your wealth


Long Term Care

Critical Care Illness


There are insurance policies for every stage of life.

It can be hard to choose the right insurance plan. Find out about the different kinds of insurance and how they can fit into your budget.

Comprehensive Financial Planning

As your financial planner, I will work with you to create a comprehensive financial plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. I will assess your current financial situation, help you identify your objectives, and develop a roadmap for financial success.

Investment Management

As your financial planner, I can provide expertise in investment management, helping you build a diversified investment portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals. I stay up-to-date with market trends, monitor your investments, and adjust as needed to maximize returns while managing risk.

Retirement Planning

Planning for retirement is crucial, and a financial planner I can help you develop a strategy to ensure you are on track for a comfortable retirement. I will analyze your retirement goals, assess your projected income and expenses, and create a plan to optimize your savings, retirement accounts, and other income sources.

Ongoing Support and Guidance

It is not just a one-time advisor but a long-term partner in your financial journey. I will provide ongoing support, monitor your progress, and adjust your financial plan as circumstances evolve.

I will also inform you about changes in the economic landscape and help you make informed decisions.

Estate Planning

Creating an estate plan ensures your assets are protected and distributed according to your wishes. I can help you establish trusts, draft wills, and coordinate with legal professionals to ensure your estate plan is comprehensive and aligned with your goals.

Education Planning:

If you have children or plan to have them, I can help you develop a strategy to save for your education expenses. I will assist you in exploring various education savings plans, such as Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs), and guide you in optimizing your savings to meet your education funding goals.